Sep 5, 2010

Search For Meaning

This is a poem I wrote less than a year ago on self-discovery. 
I discovered it today.


Man lived in a town
Which was white, black and brown
Faces all over adorned with a frown
Man could take this no longer, man thought he would drown.

Man decided to journey, he decided to leave
To give his life meaning, to learn, to believe.
Man realized that he must go away
To find meaning, he just could not stay.

Through air, sea and sand
Man traveled the land
In search of himself
Of finding his 'shelf'.

He abandoned his home
Local church with the dome
He set out to roam
Towards the sea with the foam.

The man then lived by the sea
From his tent he could see.
He searched for meaning on shore
For the meaning water bore.

Time came and time passed
The ocean was vast
Still, man found no rest
And so, man continued his quest.

The man folded his tent
On his back it was bent. 
He then took his parachute and set to the sky,
Man took off, and man started to fly.

Oh, how man loved to be free
He felt like a bird, like a fly, like a bee
On top of it all, he felt in control
And yet, in the sky man did not find his call.

So man continued his journey, he traveled a lot
He hiked through mountains, through deserts, what not.
He met different people, and he learned from each one.
But in finding his answer, man wasn't quite done.

So man took his knapsack, tight on his back
Final leg of his journey with his staff and his sack.
He knew where he had to go to find peace. 
He knew what he needed, he had found the missing piece.

After travelling for many days and being alone
Man saw standing erect the church with the dome
Man was done, he no longer wanted to roam,
Man was finally happy. Man had come home. 

Although he did not know all there is to know
And he had not found all the answers, the ones that he could show
Man found a place of peace, of freedom in his heart
Man found his soul, a Godly peace of Art