Jul 26, 2011

The Undercover Shidduch Website

Image: http://4.bp.blogspot.com

There are some people who I sort of know. I see them every few months and assume that some earth shattering things wouldn’t happen without my knowledge.

That is precisely why I was shocked to hear that one of those friendly acquaintances of mine got married last week. I never heard of her dating period, engagement, or marriage. I was more out of the loop than I realized.

The exciting part was how she met her husband. She signed up at Shabbat.com, a relatively new website created to supposedly set people up for Shabbat meals in their areas. Who are we kidding? Of course it is a shidduch website.
This young woman signed up for Shabbat, wrote three adjectives about herself. One rabbi called her soon after and said that he found a guy with the same adjectives and they should meet. They met, and miracle of miracles, they got married.

Of course, I had to verify this for myself.
I registered for Shabbat.com. I actually found it to be an interesting deviation from YUconnects or SawYouAtSinai where relevant questions aren’t asked, and guys come with expiration dates.
The questions were directed more towards understanding someone’s personality than education or anything like that.
I did my hishtadlus and let the case rest.

Before I know it...POOF... I get an email from a member of Shabbat.com who wants to set me up with someone who would be perfect for me. It would be great if I also thought he would be perfect for me.... but sometimes, it is the thought that counts.