Jan 10, 2011

Confusion of the Mind & Soul

Image: http://www.racialicious.com/

-Most often, people just know. They know if it is right. They know if it is not.
Okay, for myself, I know when it is a definite no. I usually decline with relative ease.
I do not look back. I do not feel remorse.

The problem arises when there is the option of the “maybe” and the decline wasn't uttered.
And then you put yourself on the line with someone else who is human and therefore inevtably has flaws.

I believe that a persons main character strengths and weaknesses can be seen in a microcosm during the first meeting. And expecting perfection is expecting the impossible.

Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts. They torture my mind.
Conflicting messages. Ease they try to find.
Why the diffuculties are used to bind.
One who is not aware of dual tension is simply blind.

I have a story for you. About a man and his daughter. Or his son. His child. It does not really matter.
The point is that the parent wanted the child to be in a meaningful relationship and to escape the pangs of loneliness and aloneness. At the same time, the father wanted the child to have only the healthiest relationships, only with the best and most perfect of creatures.

And so the son/daughter spent their life swinging from one side to the other as a pendulum in a clock until it died a conflicted breed.

-Another story that intrigued me was one brought by J.K. Rowling in Harry Potter. That is the tale of the Deathly Hallows. Of three brothers who wanted to escape death by building a bridge to climb over the river where the angel of death was planning on drowning them. The angel of death was schocked at the success of the brothers and granted each one a wish.
The siblings asked for what they thought would be the permanent solution to death.
The oldest brother asked to have more might than anyone else. He was given the strongest wand in the world. He used it to smite people. In the middle of the night, someone stole his wand and slit his throat.

The second brother asked for the power to revive the dead. He was granted that power. He revived his beloved from the dead, but after seeing her despair of being in a world in which she did not belong, he too filled with despair and hung himself.

The youngest brother asked to leave the site without the angel of death following him. The angel of death removed his invisibility cloak and handed it over to the young man. The angel searched for the son but could not locate him anywhere. Many years later, the third brother, who was by now an old man handed the invisibility cloak to his son, and walked towards the angel of death as a one walks towards an old friend.

- I am in Israel. On a trip. Definitely an experience and more to come soon. Just want to mention the fact that one of the guys in the group was pretty much arrested because of army draft situations.