Mar 19, 2011

Dating, Mating, or Waiting?


Are You Dating, Mating, or Waiting?

Whichever one it is, you can probably use the services of the brand new “BREAK-UP CLUB” (BUC) located in the hubs of the dating scenes of the world.

The club was founded on Purim 2011 for all the broken-up individuals of the world to unite in “One-closer to my bashertedness” and “Thank G-d I'm not dating the wrong onedness”.

The goal of the “BREAK-UP CLUB” is to “Make break-ups into parties,” says founder and president of the BUC—Shavarly Onetimetoomany. “People will soon look forward to break-ups as one does to weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs, and birthday parties.”

The club offers unlimited tubs of ice cream,
Enough liquor for the individual to drink until they can no longer distinguish between “Blessed Am I” and “Cursed is He”.
The music plays all night long.
And one has a right to rant and rave and get all their frustration out as long as no one else in the club is hurt and no property is damaged.

The club gathers on a weekly basis.
Admission is free, and frequent members get additional liquor to take home.

“I must mention the inspiration for this brilliant idea...” says Shavarli, “The brilliant song of Perel Skier brought the thought into my mind to start this club.”

The famous song is “Taco-Eating Nuns” which expresses the idea of creating a nunnery for single women who are sick of dating and add some tacos for the fun of it.

The two best lines of the song are: “In our male-free taco commune, we'll brain those jerks with skillets” and
“Who cares about dating
When you could be contemplating
Tacos with me.”

With questions, suggestions, or to join please e-mail me.

A freilichin Pirim....