Nov 22, 2010

You Can't Take The Dirt Out Of The Flirt


If you think that being Frum means that there is no flirting involved, you are completely wrong. There is a Frum Flirting Ettiquette.

Below are some examples and if you can think of more feel free to add in the form of comments. 

Wink Wink, I LOVE the way you Daven!

Hi, Um you look exactly what I imagined my Bashert would look like.

So, what do you think about learning a chavrutah (nudge nudge)

Excuse me, I cannot tell from your shirt, are you Modern Orthodox Machmir or Modern Yeshivish?

After a pleasant conversation…. So, I'll tell my sawyouatsinai Shadchan I saw you. 

By the way, I thought for about a year that SawYouAtSinai was started at Mount Sinai Shul in Washington Heights. Because the Mechitza is so terrible. Hey, I saw you at (Mt.) Sinai through the the gold leaves, and now I want to go out with you. It tok some genius of a prophet to fill me in and remind me of the Midrash which relates that all of us were present at the Actual Mount Sinai in the Middle East, not the one located in Washington Heights.