Aug 5, 2011

Tipping The Dating Scale


Face it. You're never going to meet Mr. Perfect.
They all have issues.
And no matter what happens on a date, no matter how charming he is, no matter what....
There will always be something about him that will drive you up the wall.

The question then is: how are you ever going to find the person you will marry?

1) Some wise guy told me:
It's like a scale. When a guy has enough positive qualities to outweigh the negative ones, he's your man.

2) Another one told me:
It's simple: when you like him, and he likes you back, then Mazal Tov.

3) A friend told me:
In the end of the day, you should just like the guy. If you are looking for excuses not to go out again, he is probably not for you.

4) And a smart woman said:
When you like someone you embrace him entirely. You embrace his shortcomings as well.

I don't know if any of those are true, but if you do... or have additional theories to add, go for it!