Jan 12, 2011

Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones but Quassams Will Never Harm my Spirit

Image: http://www.btselem.org/
Sderot. Yup, the city which took 10000 Quassam rockets over the past six years. We saw the playground which was built in a bomb shelter so that the kids will have the opportunity to play uninterrupted and as children. Sderot has the fifteen second rule. When a bomb is shot, the siren goes off and the habitants have fifteen seconds to get to a bomb shelter. How could parents allow their children play outside in such circumstances. The Hesder Yeshiva of Sderot is one of Chizuk to the city. The yeshiva has 300 passionate guys, and they are all about defying the enemy and prosperring despite the attacks. On the roof of the Yeshiva, there is a huge Menorah made of Quassam rockets which has otrches lit in the center of the city to strengthen the surrounding community. The campus and Beit Midrash are beautiful. It was really moving to see such tremendous development.