Jun 15, 2011

The Innocence of the First and Only Romance

We all have a first romance. Usually it is not our last.
And when I meet a couple that has been together since they were in diapers and still smile at each other with googley eyes, there is this pinching sensation in my heart I melt into "Isn't this so lovely..."

The movie Flipped is officially one of my favorites.
There is something so awfully beautiful and moving about a first romance that works out and comes to fruition.

I sat with some of my favorite people watching the movie Flipped with a box of cleenex sobbing as I watched the girl who in some ways reminded me of myself. So stubborn and unrelenting, Julie decides that she is in love with Bryce and suffocates him with her affection.

Whenever I tried doing that to guys, they ran in the other direction for some reason.

It is refreshing to see how real and direct Julie is.
In the end, Bryce realizes what a jerk he was all these years for missing the beauty in front of his eyes and... there is hope.

Some of the lines I liked most are:

When Julie's father explains something about value in life to his daughter. He tells her to notice when the whole is bigger than the sum of its parts.
The movie itself is a bunch of parts coming into a whole.

Watching Bryce try to avoid Julie and make up excuses not to be with her was PRICELESS!

Julie: Bryce, come up here! You have to see this, it's beautiful.
Bryce: I can't. My dad needs me.
To help him.

Bryce's admission that the only thing he totally flunked out in was understanding girls. It's nice to have someone admit once in awhile that they have no idea what our species is about.

And then a song I just heard and like a lot is Believe by Cher. Forget about believing in love. Forget about believing in life after death.
Do you believe in life after love?
Do you think people are capable of loving over and over and over again?