Jul 5, 2011

Chauvinist Dates

Image: http://recollections.liblog.wheaton.edu/
Chauvinist leanings on dates

I would not have thought it is an issue in the 21st century had it not been for the incidents happening over and over again.

Sometimes there are dates which are just good. You meet the date and from the first second, there is that click, and the conversation takes off.

Other times, the moment of meeting is awkward and spending a whole evening out together seems unbearable.

This happened to me in different variations quite a few times.

I met a guy.

-Hi, I say.
-Hi, he answers.
Awkward silence…
-This way, he says.

He starts walking. And I follow him around having no idea where we are going.

I mean, he might as well  just put a blindfold on my eyes, a leash around my neck and take me wherever he wants.

Why isn’t deciding where to go a joint decision, why isn’t it a conversation? Isn’t it a prelude showing that a man is going to make decisions without speaking or a conversation?

I think yeshivish guys deserve more of a leeway, because it is an unspoken (or not so unspoken) rule that the guy decides where the date is.

Although I would argue that when guys act in a certain manner, it reflects certain chauvinistic tendencies, you might disagree with me.

Please let me know if something like that has ever happened to you, and if it has please share with us what your thoughts were on the matter.