Jul 7, 2011

Never In The Present Always In The Past

There is this dumpy crumpy theater on the Upper West Side which shows the weirdest movies in the world. I love it.
This week I went to see "Midnight in Paris". I laughed the entire time.
A romantic comedy filled with intrigue, humor, a cool plot, not too heavy. Amazing.

This guy loves Paris, it is filled with meaning for him. As happy as he is to be in Paris in 2010, he dreams of Paris in the 1920's when his heroes lived.

Lo and behold, his dream comes true. He is in Paris in 1920 surrounded by great figured such as S. Dali, P. Picasso, Hemingway and others.
He is inhaling every moment and enjoying the present which is actually the past.

Until he meets a beauty that is. The beauty dreams of Paris in the 1890's. As they recoil back into the 1800's they realize that the people living then wish they lived in the times of the Renneisance.

And that is precisely when our hero realizes that by dwelling on the past, he forgets to recognize the present.

He leaves his beauty of the 1920's in the 1890's, where she wishes to remain, and instead of returning to his favorite era of the 1920's, he goes to 2010 where he belongs and finds a beauty of his day to walk with him in Paris. In the rain.

And that is my the movie spoke to me, my friend. Because I am stuck. Stuck in what was. And I must move on to what is.