Jul 11, 2011

Handsome Persian Statue

Image: http://i43.tinypic.com/

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don't.
But I do believe in like at first sight.
If you ever had a funny story that could relate to it, please feel free to share.

So I used to intern at this wonderful place which hosted a daily Mincha Minyan.
Men from the surrounding blocks would drop whatever they were doing for fifteen minutes a day and come to my office to talk to G-d.

On days where work was slower and slightly less entertaining, I would wait for the Mincha Minyan as the highlight of the day. As the men would walk in, I would mentally scan each one and put together an entire virtual case for every Mincha attendee.
This one is exhausted, he stayed overnight in the office for the past two weeks.
This one needs a coffee. He will fall asleep right now.
Oh, this guy looks all fresh. Oh, he is coming for an interview? I understand...

There was this one particular young man who was absolutely stunning, or should I say handsome to sound more American.
The type of gorgeous that makes my stomach drop and knees turn into jelly. (Perhaps I am exaggerating slightly)
He was tall, dark, piercing eyes, with broad shoulders and a confident stride.
He looked like the Roman statues.
The only thing missing was a flower crown on his head and a tunic wrapped around his body.

Anyhow, guys like that are married. I was so positive of that fact that I didn't pay much attention to him for a few months.
That was until my coworker mentioned to me that he is single.
When he saw how my eyes lit up, he decided to take action.

The next time I was not in the office, my coworker approached the Roman Statue Guy (who was actually Persian) and hinted that I am well, hem hem, cough cough... available.

He said that he noticed me and thought I was pretty.

Um, great beginning for a super meaningful and deep relationship that is not based on externalises at all.

Next time I was in the office, Mincha time, I was wondering if anything would happen.
Because since I found out about that interaction, I could think about nothing other than THE SITUATION.
I was trying to focus on the research I was supposed to be doing and to collect the data which was highly important.
From the corner of my eye, I watched the stream of Mincha men trickle out of the office and then they were all gone and nothing happened.

I was horrified. What do you mean, ignore me?!

And then... it happened (he was such a genius, stayed behind on purpose). 
He came over to me, introduced himself, talk talk... click click click...
Do you want to go for coffee?- he asked me.

Here is where it got complicated. I usually do not go out with guys I know absolutely nothing about.
Granted, I knew what his appearance was and that he davened mincha, and even that he put tzdakkah into the pushka after prayers. So he must have been super generous as well.

When I discussed the possibility that this might happen with my parents a few days earlier, they suggested I ask him for some basic information and that I would get back to him.
My mother told me that if he is a true Sfardi he would respect it.

So I am sitting there, and what I felt like saying was YES COFFEE, what I said was, let me find out a bit about you and I want to consult with my parents before I do anything.

He smiled and said: "I respect that."

Oh my gosh!!! My mom said you would say that! (I didn't say that)

As he was leaving, I asked him... Excuse me, what is your name?

Okay, so I was completely infatuated. Until I got my information.
He called me later that week.

He told me that he found out how old I was and he thinks he is a bit too old for me.
I date older guys... How old are you?
Thirty six.
Sixteen year difference. That's a bit of a difference.

So that was the end of that episode with the Roman Persian Statue.