Aug 17, 2011

Shidduch Riots in Meah Shearim


Someone sent me the following email.
I am still searching for sources.

Riots Erupt in Mea- Shearim  in Jerusalem.                                            
About two hundred heavily armed police in riot-gear were needed to quell a potential life threatening brawl this morning in Jerusalem.
About 200 young unmarried women took to the streets near a small
vineyard in Beis Yisroel (a neighborhood adjacent to Mea Shearim)
demanding an end to the Shidduch crises.
The girls- who were totally clad in borrowed white garments began
dancing and singing in front of the Mirrer Yeshiva chanting, various
slogans such as, /“hey boys, stop looking at the Gemara and look at
us; we are pretty and available.”Other groups of girls (who were sort of homely looking) chanted,
“Forget about looks, remember what King Solomon said, “/A pretty
face is false and beauty is futile; a God-fearing woman is to be
The women continued to dance and sing as they demanded an immediate
end to the Shidduch crisis.
When asked as to the permissibility of their actions, they quoted from
the obscure Talmudic tractate Taanis in support of their apparent
disregard for the Jewish code of modesty.
Just as some young men from the nearby Mirrer Yeshiva were taking down
some phone numbers, a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews who claim they are
part of a vigilante group called ‘The Tzinius Patrol’ surrounded
the girls and began attacking the young women with stones and tomatoes
while shouting, /“Stop bringing foreign and /‘goyishe’/
practices into our pure and pristine Jewish neighborhood. This is
obviously a custom taken from the pagans in /triefe/ America.”/

When one member of the ‘The Tzinius Patrol’ was told that the
source of this behavior was a Gemara in Taanis he replied, /“I never
heard of this tractate; all I know that it is obviously false as
Taanis means to fast and what does it have to do with girls dancing in
the streets?”/

The girls, who were very happy -also claimed that this is one of the
two happiest days of the year for all Jews.

Our reporter, Mr. Chucha V’Tllula asked one of the stone throwing
Jerusalemites to respond to the women’s claims that today was a
happy day. He responded,
“Any day where I can protest, skip yeshiva and throw a /bissel/
stones is already a happy day.
To me there in no /naphka meana /(no distinction) if it Monday or
Tuesday or Shabbos or Yom Tov.
It makes no difference if it’s about parking garages or parades
about happy and joyous girls or men- it’s always about people who
promote an alternate life style!
I know that anyone who promotes a happy alternate life style is evil
and /goyishe/ and should be stoned and killed even today!
We know that according to the Gemara you have to do */skila/*
(stoning) on these people who bring /goyishe zacheen/ like women
dancing in the streets and asking for husbands into the holy city of
They should keep these foreign practices in America where they belong.
However, I cannot talk anymore as my */i-phone/* is alerting me to
another demonstration going on against arresting rabbis who advocate  killing innocent civilians.
After that it’s off to the parking garage to protest there and then
off to an ancient Jewish cemetery where the evil archeologists are
profaning the graves.
Oy, life is so busy I barely have time to collect any money for my
yeshiva anymore!
I am in a rush though as tonight I have a ticket (business class of
course) to the United States as I have a fund raising mission for my
Kollel and the limousine which takes me to the airport is on its way.
Be well and remember- better to be safe and throw a stone today than
be sorry tomorrow!”

When asked by our reporter how he justifies the trip to the /treife
medina/ called America he replied, /“Look buddy, business is
As the police broke up the protest and the women were leaving, one
bachur from the Mirrer Yeshiva was overheard saying, /“Wow, that’s
too bad they are leaving, I really thought one of those nice girls was
my /bashert/- I almost got her phone number!”/