Sep 19, 2011

Life Behind a Mechitza


If you are an Orthodox woman, how do you feel about Davening in a Minyan? How do you feel about the Mechitza? 
Did the separation ever bother you? If so, how? 
If you were bothered at some point but aren't any more, please share some perspective which can perhaps influence opinions of others. 

This reform young woman woman took on a week of "being frum" where she wore only tznius, davened with an Orthodox minyan, said Brachot before eating, and ate food with a hechsher. 

I found one paragraph particularly interesting:

"As the week progressed, it became quite clear that I had embarked on a personal test—an experiment of trying out a lifestyle that ultimately was not for me. On one level I recognized that the painful, exhaustive reality of getting so little sleep overshadowed the wonder of walking out into the dawn for shacharit. But on a deeper level, it was unsettling to know that as a woman I simply did not count. However warm a community I had found in those shared, carved-out hours of the day, I would not be able to continue praying in it.

For the full article, click here

Hattip: Single and Waiting (too bad there is no link to a blog)