Sep 19, 2011

Awkward Wedding Moments


We all hopefully love weddings at least some of the time. 
I love it when the bride and groom radiate joy which is absolutely infectious. 
I love having lots of friends who love to rock the party. 

However, there are moments at every wedding which drive people nuts.
One of them happened to me yesterday.

1)      Bumping into exes. Can be awkward depending on history and context.
2)      Shadchanim. Yes, they do have the best of intentions….

I walk into the wedding hall, immediately examining it CIA-style to locate the stick-with-them people and the avoid-at-all-costs people.

Thank G-d, most people are of the tofu category and are relatively harmless.

I spot one guy I went out with.  He is the Chutzpadik Audacity Guy who later set up the dating trap. Okay, we pass each other, smile, the hi-hi-so-good-to-see-you situation passes and I can move on with life.

Then I sit down at the chuppah for the two hour wait between the badekin and actual ceremony. Lo and behold, who sits down next to me? The married sister of Chutzpadik Audacity guy! We chat about the weather, the flowers, and fruit baskets: about everything under the sun except the elephant in the room.

A shadchan walks over to us and in the loudest voice possible tells the woman next to me pointing at me. Don’t you know any nice guys for her? Someone! We just have to find her this amazing guy….

By now, the entire crowd turned their heads towards me and the action that was going on around me. I was praying for the ground beneath me to open up and swallow me alive.

This reminds me of a joke.

Man: At weddings the aunts would always tell me. May yours be next!
            They stopped doing it when I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.