Sep 21, 2011

What Not To Say To Friends Who Are Dating


This post is about friends who have good intentions but act totally inappropriately when it comes to relating to friends in dating.

The pressure that usually comes with those statements is completely suffocating.

Some of the comments are simply annoying and some are down right offensive.

I remember going out with a certain guy three times and hanging out with a friend after the third date.
Let's call her Mimi.
Giving her credit, she comes from a more right-wing perspective, and has a particular talent of jabbing me in the wrong places.

Mimi: Oh My Gosh. Tania. Three dates. That's crazy. Do you think this is the one?
Tania: Well, precisely because it's been three dates, I have no idea.
Mimi: Come on... if he proposes now, would you say yes?

Nonono! I would not say yes. In fact, I would say no.

She is clearly from a different world.
If there is a situation of extreme pressure, I will leave. 
Why should I jump off a cliff if I don't have to? 

What is this with people asking completely inappropriate questions which make me feel like an idiot for going on more than three dates without agreeing to marriage?

I am guilty of asking some premature as well. I just don't understand why.