Nov 11, 2011

Beware: Serial Status Corrector Ahead


I change my gchat status every now and then. 
I put a certain quote as my status and some random guy who was somehow on my gchat status from mass emails commented on the origin of my quote.
I thanked him for his consideration and conversation and asked him if I know who he is. 

We got into a whole intense conversation about the meaning of life and the life of meaning. 
And that was that. 

I put a note in my status thanking him for his input. 

Next day. Friend gchats me. HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT GUY?
I was slightly perplexed. Um, I don't really know him, I said. 

She told me that she dated him for two years and it was one messy complicated story.

I asked her how they met.

She told me that somehow he ended up on her gchat list and commented on her status randomly and then they got into a discussion and eventually ended up in the dating situation.

I started freaking out just listening to this entire conversation.

Turns out there is a serial gchat stalker out there who messes up girls life through statuses.

I heard of Craigslist, chat rooms, even facebook, but this was definitely a new one.