Dec 7, 2011

Dating Local or Express

There are two ways to date. There is dating express and then there is dating local. 

Don't get me wrong, it isn't like we have a choice. 
Dating is one of those things which is only semi-controllable by humans. 

There are those lucky individuals who will marry the first or second person they dated.
They will fall in love at first sight and be loved back instantly.
They are the people who get to their spouse destination on the express track,
without stopping at the Rejection stop.
Without stopping at the Will-I-Ever-Get-Married stop.
Without stopping to realize that you are broken and need to be mended.
Without crashing into any scary guys.
Without going off the tracks and having to get back on again.

And then... and then there are the lucky ones who wait forever for the guy to come, and when the guy finally arrives, they realize it is the wrong one.
And they keep on waiting.
Waiting and dating.
And it takes those poor folks forever to get to their destination.

What's the payoff?
I'm not sure.
Perhaps by the time they arrive at marriage they are more mature, perhaps they know how lucky they are to have found such a  phenomenal spouse?
Perhaps they aren't so happy because they have times where they wish they could have married the other twenty dates that dumped them.

And perhaps... perhaps it is about the journey... and not the destination.

So, I don't know which way for dating is better: express or local...

Do you?