Dec 13, 2011

My Big Fat Jewish Family

I wonder if I'm the only one out there with the Big Fat Jewish Family syndrome.
Where families are kenaine hora, pu-pu-pu, bli ayin hora so big and so close, that every third cousin twice removed, great aunt, and their nephews through marriage feel entitled to know and offer advice on your most personal life and dating experiences.

On the one hand, it is so lovely and valuable to have a family who cares so deeply.

On the other hand, it is nice to take a deep breath once in awhile and to make a choice without having to consider 5,268 opposing and conflicting opinions.

This feeling was brought to a climax after an bad dating incident that happened to me.
I spoke to over twenty, I kid you not, twenty family members in a day, having to tell everyone that I am going to be alright, and yes, they did warn me, and no, I didn't listen, and now I am paying the price....