Dec 16, 2011

Second Chances in Dating

Do you believe in second chances?

Not the type where you mess up badly in life, and you are given another shot to try yourself out again.

I am talking about first dates which are bad, or simply give you the understanding that you don't want to continue...

And then you keep on bumping into the person in different settings and seeing them in a new light...

Do you think your first judgement was wrong? Would you try going out with that person again?

Or do you believe that once you made up your mind, that is it. Nothing can be changed. No means No and there is no turning the wheel back?

Personally, I do believe in second dating chances and at the same time I do not.

Not every person can present their entire selves in one staged two hour slot.
They need time to get comfortable and then open up.
It might be harsh to judge them so quickly.

Yet we do have intuition radars which go off when we know we like something.
It's like instinct.

I guess somewhere in the ideal world there has to be a combination of both.

My friend kept on going out with a guy although every date with him was a complete disaster.
When I asked her why she keeps on going out, she said:
"What, just because we had bad dates I should dump him?!"

Although my initial reaction was to scream at her and say YES!!! IF YOU HAVE MANY BAD DATES, YOU DUMP THE GUY!!!! somewhere, her words reflected the fact that she was willing to give the guy time and that she wasn't judging based on first impressions.