Feb 7, 2012

Aggressive Vs. Passive Dates

Image: http://youoffendmeyouoffendmyfamily.com

What do you prefer: someone more foreword and aggressive? Or someone sweeter with a passive side?
In the past two weeks, I have experienced both extremes and cannot really decide what I choose.

Anyhow, I met a certain someone at a meal somewhere and he liked me.
I was flattered when he wanted to pursue the relationship afterward.
When I told him I was seeing someone else, he suggested that I break up so that I could see him instead.
When I declined, he kept on pushing.
He was pushing me into feeling guilty that I wasn't giving him a chance.
Although I kind of enjoyed the attention in the beginning, by his seventh phone call (which I did not respond to), I was resenting his forwardness tremendously.

Another guy sort of expressed interest in me through a third party.
I heard of this and responded through the third party in the affirmative.
Then I kept on bumping into this guy and he never said anything.
I was confused. I asked him if he was serious.
He said he was, it was just bad timing. He was leaving for a few weeks.
When he returned, he asked me if I was available.
I wasn't.
By the time I was available, I was scared to approach him in my ridiculous forward manner.
I told the in between person that I would be interested in going out with him if the feelings are reciprocated.
Guy told third party he would talk with me directly.
Four long conversations later, he finally asked me out.

What does all of this mean? What does it mean if a guy is very forward? Is he abusive? Is a guy who can't come forth for a long time extremely shy? Is he not a go-getter? Is he not too interested? Does he not know how to communicate with the opposite gender?

What is it?