Feb 14, 2012

What Men Want: Educated Women

Image: http://www.nytimes.com
Hattip MB for the idea.

So if you're a Jewish spinster like the rest of us and are wondering if you lost all your shots at marriage the day you stepped foot into university, the NY times says you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Although the article has been written without focusing on the Orthodox community... It studies men throughout the last centuries and looks at what they were looking for in a spouse.
And surprise of surprises, more men want to marry educated women than ever before!

Supposedly, they care much less about their wives cleaning and cooking abilities. I think the reason for that is that people don't eat in any more. They either buy frozen dinners, Chinese, or eat out altogether.
In the Orthodox community, where life revolves around the lokshen of Shabbos and the kugels of Yom Tov, I am pretty sure cooking is pretty high up.

The article points out that ironically the women who are more educated than the men overcompensate in cleaning and cooking to show the man that he is actually the boss.

Having been raised in quite a traditional male-dominated society (not only the religious community, but the secular one as well), women would constantly preach to me how the true wisdom of the woman is the ability to suppress her wisdom and make her husband feel like a million bucks (even if he is worth two).

Despite the fact that I am not going to act like an idiot to trap a man, I am looking to marry someone I can truly respect and look up to (physically at least)... Granted, I also want him to respect me.

In a weird way, the Charedi community is even ahead of the Modern Orthodox one in terms of cultivating educated women. A charedi girl's education will translate directly into her husbands bank account and determine the amount of years he can sit and kollel and do other holy things.

Being that we are a traditional patriarchal Orthodox society, and are often lagging about twenty years behind the secular community in terms of issues and awareness, what do you think is the climate in the community for dating?
Are erudite women more or less desirable because of their education?