Sep 7, 2010

Do Your Research, Do It Well

Before dating someone, it is customary to research the person very well.
Find out where he went to school, who his parents are, what his grandmother wears on Fridays.

Today I was looking into some young man. 
I received an e-mail with a link to an article.
The article depicted a court case, and among the suspects was the young man who was suggested for me.
The young man had been convicted of fraud.
Now, I was surprised.
I understand if the person who set us up hates me, but to such an extent?

I called up the Shadchan and let the steam out.
"What are you thinking exactly, setting me up with criminals?"
The Shadchan was shocked. He said he was not aware of any law suits or court cases. 
I hung up the phone.

When I got back home, I read the article again.   
After reading every word five times, G-d planted some genius in my brain to look at the date.
The article was dated December 23rd, 1912.
Did I feel bad.

So guys, do your research, do it WELL.