Oct 18, 2010

Oxymoron: Professional Shadchan

Image: http://www.exceler8ion.com/
I was talking to a friend about Shadchanim. We started talking about a certain one and then my friend said. I love her; she is such a professional Shadchan.
I was startled there for a bit. What do you mean professional?

I was raised with the understanding that people are considered professionals when they do not mix business with personal lives. The business of a Shadchan is PERSONAL life. How professional is it to know exactly what one finds attractive, what one is looking for in a spouse, how one reacts when having to wait for a phone call three entire hours, how many kids one wants to have (however many Hashem gives of course), what one thinks of family, financial ideas, and how one likes to spend their free time.

On that note, Shadchanim, when good, can make the job of shopping for a spouse less awkward by keeping relevant information to themselves, by returning phone calls, and by not dismissing every issue that comes up as ‘ridiculous’.

My brother asked me if I knew how many Shadchanim it took to change a light bulb. I said that I did not. He said: “Why? What is wrong with this light bulb? It does not need to be changed.”