May 30, 2011

As Time Goes By: Yes You and I


It's funny how time puts things into perspective.
One year seems to be a long time and yet in the span of life, it seems to be quite short.

Today one year ago I got engaged (for the first time in my life).
The proposal was filled with love and excitement and although things did not end up working out, as time goes by, I am able to look back and appreciate the beautiful moments for what they were.
I wrote an article after my experience and speaking with other people with similar experiences entitled: "Broken Engagements, Shattered Hearts."

He proposed on a boat when I wasn't expecting it. I was sitting with closed eyes drinking in the scene, the sunset, the sky, the water. Everyone was standing in pairs but I sat alone. The guy I was going out with didn't feel well and he excused himself in the beginning of the boat ride. Twenty minutes I sat alone. And then he came over in a tux holding a bouquet of red roses and a ring and got on one knee and asked me to marry him. I was shocked. I burst out laughing and crying simultaneously. Only after a few moments did I accept the ring and agree to marry him.

I did not stick to my word. I broke the engagement.

The morning after I the engagement ended, I awoke in a stupor. I couldn't remember what I was supposed to do. Where I was supposed to go. Nothing seemed natural to me.
There was the anger, the hurt, the denial, the shock, and finally the acceptance.

The acceptance of the reality was the beginning of my wisdom in this case.

At this point I regret only the getting engaged part. Had we waited, I would not have the label of a person with a broken engagement.
The relationship itself was an experience I think I learned a lot from, I enjoyed it. It was fun.
Not all is bad in broken love.

A close friend once told me: You had a boyfriend, now let's find you a husband.

After my experience I heard of a couple that got married. I was surprised that they actually made it to the wedding.

The thing is that engagements are times of transition. And transition is always challenging whether small or significant. So it is normal for engaged couples to have difficult times. But it is how they deal with the trials and tribulations that will affect the future of the relationship.

It's funny how time puts things into perspective. It's funny how time has a power of it's own. It's interesting how certain dates carry certain memories within them.
The memories remain the same. But the way they are perceived changes from year to year.