May 18, 2011

The Shidduch World Becomes Science


As the world matures and more and more young talented minds are applying to PhD programs in psych, the realm of Shidduch dating is becoming an area of psychological research.
If you are single and Orthodox and would like to be a part of cutting-edge research, this survey is for you!

The letter is below:

Dear Study Participant,

My name is Deborah Mann and I am a doctoral student at Hofstra University currently working on my dissertation.   I am conducting a survey to better understand how current Modern Orthodox Jewish dating practices relate to mental health.  As a Modern Orthodox Jew, I find this area of research both interesting and important.  Your participation in this study will help us gain valuable insights into the mental health of this unique population (and help me complete earn my degree!). 

Please consider taking part in this study, and feel free to share it with any friends or family members who may be interested. Participants must identify as single Modern Orthodox Jews between 18 and 35 years of age to qualify. 

Your participation is voluntary and any information you submit will remain confidential.  All responses will be aggregated and individual responses will not be analyzed.  The survey should take no more than 20-25 minutes to complete, and it can be accessed via this link:  hofstrasurvey.  Please enter the password: hofstrasurvey to begin.   Completed pages will be saved for future access (from the same IP address) but please advance to the next page before closing the survey to ensure that the answers you have alerady provided have been recorded.   If you have any problems with the link, please contact me as soon as possible so that the issue can be resolved.

Upon completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to be entered into a raffle for an assortment of gift certificates to local merchants (also available to international participants) in the amounts of $10 (10 available), $25 (4 available) or $50 dollars (2 available)!   You can also opt out of this offer. 

If you have friends or relatives who are single, 18-35, and identify as part of the Modern Orthodox community, please consider inviting them to participate as well. You can do so by forwarding this e-mail or posting the survey link on Facebook or other social networking sites. Your help is hugely appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like additional information regarding this study or if you do not meet the necessary criteria but are interested in learning more about the results obtained from this survey, please contact the investigators, Deborah Mann, M.S., Doctoral Candidate at Hofstra University at You can also contact my supervisor, Sarah Novak, Ph.D. at  

Thank you very much for your help and participation,
Deborah Mann, M.S.