May 18, 2011

On Girls Asking Guys Out


This is the question I want to see you answer: Can and should a girl ask a guy out?

Last year I was invited to speak at an SCW panel for women of interesting backgrounds which I was happy I qualified for. There were about four students: we babbled about our lives, how much we love Stern, what we were planning on doing once we moved on to the next world.

The last question was shot at us: anything to add?

The girl next to me on the panel shot her arm up.
"If there is one thing in the world every girl should do, it is to ask a guy out!"

 There was silence. and then I said: "I did! I asked a guy out. He said NO."

"Well, that's even better," she said. "You got to do it and you do not have to suffer the consequences."

I asked a guy out. I will never ask a guy out again.
It took awhile for me to come up with this theory and although it might change within the next few minutes, I will explain how I came up with it.

Despite the fact that I am a twenty first century girl and that I believe that women should vote, and that women have a right and duty to be educated,  I believe that a man should be a man, and if he notices a woman he likes he should step up to the plate and ask her out.

Now if you are a friend of mine and heard hours of my convincing you to ask a certain guy out, you might be reading this post in total shock thinking that I am a two-faced jerk.

I am not.

The reason I tell you to ask these guys out is because the friendship is usually extremely undefined and is unclear fluctuating between platonic and romantic relationships. In that case it drives people crazy to second guess themselves every two seconds and reread chats every five minutes. Does he like me? Well, why did he chat me at 2:35 PM. I mean no one would do that if they weren't completely obsessed with me. Right? And look, he didn't say the formal "hello", he said "hi". Forget it! He must be planning our entire future together.
In that case ASK THE FREAKING GUY OUT and END THE MADNESS. He will probably say "NO" because if he did want to go out with you he would ask you out, and if he didn't have the guts, well then he just isn't man enough for you.

But at least you will be standing on clear grounds.

That is my two cents. It is fine if you disagree just tell me why.