May 25, 2011

How Can You Blog About Your Private Life?


I get this question quite often. 
Why do you blog?
Why isn't your blog anonymous?
Why don't you put your name on it if it isn't anonymous?
How can you write about such private things?

My answer is as Rabbi Dr. Kanerfogel says: "Yes and No"

For those who know who I am, kaput. For those who do not, googling my name will not bring my blog up to the front of the screen and vice versa. 

Once I was going out with this guy, and when I wrote a blog about being dumped, scores of emails expressing sympathy came my way. For G-d's snake! My blog isn't a diary... it is a blog! And that means whatever it means. I cannot really figure it out. 
I actually was dumped soon after...

Sometimes things happen in my life that I wish I could write about. They would make the perfect funny, cynical, comical and to the point. I cannot because people will know. 

And that is my life right now. 

I attended a bloggers event two weeks ago because I was curious to hear what they would have to say. They were discussing the future of blogging and where it would lead. It got me so annoyed. I do not care   where it is leading. I am just enjoying it in the moment. Granted, it was fun to see some famous bloggers "come out of the closet" and present themselves. 

On a final note, if you think I blog about private stuff, there is a lot more out there. Like this blog for example
I was surprised to see it... mixed emotions at all. Shocked that it is happening, intrigued that she would write about it. 

I am interested in hearing your opinions and if you are interested in writing guest posts either anonymously or publicly, email me.