Jun 22, 2011

Detonating the YUConnects Bomb

Image: http://www.yu.edu/

Once upon a time, I logged onto YUConnects. I had received an email.

You have received new mail, regarding a potential match for you. Please login at YUConnects and Click on "My Mails" to read the message.
I click on the website. I review the profile. Sounds nicer than the ninety guys suggested to me previously. I figured out how YUConnects works. Connectors suggest scores of young (or not such young) men who are as far from Shayach from me as I am from the moon and the first semi-normal guy that comes along will capture my heart in one split second.

So this was a case of a semi-normal guy and I clicked accept.

Two minutes later my phone rang. I thought it was the Shadchan from the date I had that night which was DUA (Dead Upon Arrival). It wasn’t the Shadchan. It was the guy from YUConnects.
I didn’t realize that by clicking the ACCEPT button, I was in fact detonating a bomb, and the world went off. Lights started flashing, sirens wailing and my phone started ringing.

I picked up. We had a conversation.
I logged onto YUConnects once again to report match progress. I looked at the options. There was

-Phone # Sent

I looked at the options. Although I would usually click phone number sent, the layout of options made my pupils dilate. I had so much power in the tips of my finger. One click could change worlds and my previous online activity had proved it. I, in the comfort of my own room, had the power to change my dating status.

I had been dating. And let us say that I have experienced things more pleasant in my life than that. And I thought: to *** with the process, let’s just get to the goal. And didn’t a wise man once say: the end justifies the means.

My chest pounding, my breathing rapid, my hands shaking I clicked on the ENGAGED button. I would deal with consequences later. For now, I was engaged.

*** Disclaimer (Borrowed from Rabbi B. Wein): All the stories I tell are true, some of them haven't happened yet.