Jul 27, 2011

Dating With Chutzpadik Audacity

Image: http://www.google.com
Is it frustrating or appreciated when the person you date expresses Chutzpah?

I went out with a guy recently. And truth be told, he was one of the most brilliant, and kindest people I ever went out with. The dates were nice, even quite romantic. 

I just knew with certainty that this was not the guy I was going to marry. 
So when he asked me at the end of the date if I would go out again, I smiled and said that I wouldn't go out with him again. 

He looked me in the eye and said: "Tania, think about it. And give me a call."

Oh My Gosh. I was absolutely blown away by his audacity. Is he questioning my judgement? How could he?

But to be honest, I appreciated his chutzpah. I smiled to myself and told him that I would call him...

What happened after that I'm saving for the next post because it is something fascinating. 

I wished I had the guts to tell a guy the same thing when he dumped me... why shouldn't I challenge someone's opinion if I disagree with him?