Jul 20, 2011

A Terrible Death

Image: http://cbsnewyork.files.wordpress.com

What was going through Leiby Kletsky's mind?

I am watching the breaking news on CBS2 about the indictment against Levi Aron and they keep on showing the  video footage of Leiby walking with his swinging knapsack, his arms flying. He looked like a regular carefree boy.
And you look at the camera and feel like screaming: Don't make that turn! Don't follow that man! Don't go down that path.
But there is no going back.

What makes a man dismember someone after murder? Of course a person who is capable of doing such a thing is not mentally sane. That does not mean he is not responsible for his actions.

On July 28th during the arraignment we will find out what the exact punishment for this first degree murder is, probably full life in prison without parole. Why does a person like Levi Aron even deserve to be defended? What can be said?

I don't know what to make of this. Leiby's mother, father, relatives will have to wake up every morning for the rest of their lives knowing what happened to their son and knowing that they will never see him again.

I just hope and pray from the bottom of my heart that the G-d who brought them this tremendous grief, should grant them considerable comfort.