Jul 21, 2011

Vulnerability in Dating

Vulnerability is like getting old. None of us want to get old, yet that's the only way to live a long life. None of us want to become vulnerable, but that is the only way to become involved in a relationship. See Fortresses Dating Fortresses for more on this theory.

I posted last week asking people what makes them vulnerable expecting a flood of answers which would allow for me to do research and come to some brilliant conclusions.
Unfortunately, it took forever for someone to comment. Perhaps talking about vulnerability makes people vulnerable...

Ish Yehudi wrote: Opening up my heart. Taking a risk. Disclosing something private about myself. Showing my flaws, weakness, self-doubt. Any or all of the above. 

I think it's necessary to connect on a deep level. To truly experience life and enjoy it.

It's part of learning to live with hurt -which is a part of life -and appreciating others who accept and love us for exactly who we are.

I also asked friends on facebook about what makes them vulnerable and responses varied: 

1) Uncertainty
2) Lack of self-confidence
3) Fear of a negative outcome

and this one beats all

4) Oiy...

So from this video above the following things stuck out in my mind about vulnerability: 

Vulnerability is...

1) the courage to be imperfect, to open up and say who you really are connection as a result of authenticity

2) the willingness to say i love you first,  
do something without guarantees, to invest in a relationship which might not work out

People who are willing to embrace their vulnerability rather than control and predict everything are taking a huge risk. They are opening up their heart and opening the possibility for hurt. 

In the end of the day, the very things that make us vulnerable make us beautiful.