Sep 23, 2011

Your Ex's Ex


Another one to add to the awkward moments.

I wonder if it is just me, or if it was just that specific situation or if it happens to people across the globe.

Once upon a time, when I was dating someone seriously, I felt I had to know everything about the woman he dated in the past.
I had to know where she went to school, how she did her hair, what she thought of religion, which qualities in her were attractive and most importantly, why it didn't work out eventually.

Looking back, the reason I was so obsessed was probably because I wanted justification, I wanted to calm my nervous system, I wanted to know that whatever happened before wouldn't happen to me, I wanted to know what the issues were that I missed and couldn't see....

Forward a year, I am at an event and who do I see.... that is precisely correct. My ex's ex.
Of course I recognize her.
I know more about her and her relationship patterns than most people in the hall.
I don't go over.
No need to creep someone out with awkward situations.

Instead she comes over to me!
She says: "I hope not to sound like the biggest stalker but I know so much about you..."

I smile. It's mutual.