Oct 4, 2011

Guest Post: Misleading Females

Image: http://www.youthblog.org

There have been many posts written about the “misleading male” which makes it seem like he enjoys the first date, and then says no to a second one. What bloggers rarely mention is the misleading female. I do not write this as one who has gone through this phenomena, but as one who has witnessed it from the side. Whether with friends or siblings, I have seen the misleading female at work many a time. 

The root of the issue is the simple difference in mindset between males and their female counterparts. Things are interpreted to very differently. It is a major source of problems, amongst them “the misleading male”. I believe that many a time the female simply does not properly “read” the male whom she is on a date with. But I regress… Females often times do not realize what that men understand friendship in a very different way. The average male will not text his best buddy, and walk him through every step of his day. A female on the other hand would. Therefore, what often happens in ‘coed’ friendships is the misinterpretation of messages. The female who chats with her male friend every single time he comes online is sending him a misleading message. The female who texts minute by minute updates of her day, is sending her male friend a misleading message.

Although for her, chatting with him and texting him in such a way is often simply being friendly, treating him as she would a close female friend of hers, for the male it has a very different message. It means that she wants more than just a plain friendship.  It is something which I have seen occur time and time again. The male then ‘makes a move’, or says something which he thinks is fully appropriate, based on the fact that they have been chatting with each other two hours nightly for six months, and she freaks out; “OMG, he’s coming onto me!”.  It is something which females need to become more aware of, males understand such affection in a very different way than females do. It is just the way we are “designed”. So next time you chat with your guy- friend, please keep that in mind!