Oct 6, 2011

Sedated Date

Image: http://www.cartoonstock.com

This one happened to me awhile ago.
First date, the phone conversation before was slightly forced but passable.
The date was called for 10:00 PM.

The day was one of the busiest in my life.
I spent the entire day at work running around like a chicken without a head.
When it came to reporting what I did, I couldn't name one thing I actually did.

I ran to class to sit there and study vigorously after which I went to a career fair and spent some time telling people how they must  must must take advantage of every single opportunity college has to offer.

After that I received a phone call from Handsome Persian Statue where we decided that it isn't going to work out (update: He contacted me a few weeks ago to see if I would be willing to give it another shot. BINGO!)

And after that I went back to my dorm and all I really wanted to do was crash on my bed and pass out for a week. but instead I had to shower, make-up, do my hair, dress up and act all nice and girly.

I had a few minutes before the date so I lay down to rest for a few minutes.
Of course I fell into the deepest of sleeps.
The phone woke me up. He was here to pick me up. Lovely.

For convenience sake, I'll name the guy David.
David took me to this dark lounge/bar with soft music playing in the background and candles illuminating the room.
David himself was a big round guy with soft eyes and looking at him all I could think was: mushy teddy bear.
I just wanted to curl up into a ball and go to sleep.

I was in serious pain trying to stay awake. I didn't understand why he kept on throwing questions at me and why he was unsatisfied when I was able to conjure some two word response.
What does he want from me already?
I tried. I really did.

When the shadchan called me after the date, I told her that the date was comfortable.

She told me that David didn't think it would go anywhere because I am an extremely quiet person and am the type to agree with anything he would ever say.

Ah, David, the great judge of character.