Nov 21, 2011

Addiction to Boys


Black Eyed Peas has a song Just Can't Get Enough where the primary words are: I'm addicted and I just can't get enough...

Guys are like coffee, drugs and alcohol. Once you spend time with them, get involved in a relationship with them then all the advantages of being in a relationship which are first a luxury become necessity.

The texts, the casual phone calls, just calling to see how you are doing, the dates become moments around which life revolves.

When life changes, and relationships fizzle out, priorities change and I find a need to restructure my life. I must detox.

Just like an addict, I keep on checking my phone, hoping against hope for a gchat line, a text, a phone call, anything as long as its from him.

It's funny how transitions are difficult and then every stage is another transition. Getting into and used to a relationship has its challenges and then working things out or ending it has a whole other set of transitions and challenges.