Sep 12, 2011

Eye Contact in Dating


Eyes are the window to the soul...

How do you feel about eye contact on dates?
Would you rather someone look you in the eye when engaging in conversation?
Or would you feel more comfortable if your date gave you some privacy by looking at some random point in the sky?

Do you look at people directly when you speak with them?

Generally, I like to look people in the eye when I talk to them.
I want to know who I am talking to and I get a much better picture when there is direct eye contact.

I also find it extremely disrespectful when I am talking to someone and they look at at anything but you.
Especially if the guy is super frum.
Once on a date, the guy avoided eye contact like the plague. In fact, he wouldn't look at me at all.
I kept on looking at myself just to make sure I am not wearing a neon bikini or something... Nope, regular first date outfit.

That being said, too much eye contact can be creepy.
I remember this guy who kept on looking me and I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable.
It was a first date and I was trying to engage in light conversation.
He stared on me and had this slight smile on his face as if he wanted to devour me then and there.
He kept on commenting on what I was wearing.
I was burning inside.
"I like your dress," he said.
I smiled uncomfortably.
"It's shiny," he continued.
"You're blushing."

I ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Basically, if a date doesn't look you in the eye, he either likes you or he doesn't.
But seriously, it might be any of the options below. If you can think of any more, let me know.

1) Looking into your eyes is too intense and makes him uncomfortable. 
2) He might be more interested in everything happening around than he is in you. sorry. 
3) He might be ADHD. 
4) All of the above. 
5) You are making too big of a deal of this. Take a deep breath.