Sep 13, 2011

Perfect in Shidduchim


Ever wonder how when it comes to shidduchim, every single guy and girl is exceedingly above average in every way?
All women are absolutely stunning, drop-dead gorgeous knockouts when dating. And then, when they get married, they are cute.
All young men are brilliant gedolei hador in the making who will "figure it out" in a brilliant fashion. Once they get married, they are eh... smart, not bad....

It got to the point where people will say things which could be nice, but because they are blown out of proportion, the positive connotations are lost.

1)A friend told me: "If someone says that a girl looks healthy, run in the other direction."

2) A shadchan would never get a guy out on a date if they said: "Well, I think she looks nice."

3) And this one I witnessed firsthand. A shadchan was trying to get a guy to meet a girl.

Shadchan: She is gorgeous. She looks like an angel.
Guy: I'm not so into that angelic look.
Shadchan: She looks like a Victoria's Secret Angel.

4) A Shadchan kept on trying to set me up with a guy who was "PLEASANT LOOKING."
Please... nothing pleasant about him.

People claim that it's something like inflation by the curve.
Since everyone is blown out of proportion, above average becomes the new average.
If someone were to suggest a girl who was relatively nice and sort-of pretty if you get used to her, no one would want to date her because every other young woman out there is a vogue model.

I have a bit of a different theory. Although statistically most people are average, no one thinks of themselves as average.
Every person deep down is a complicated compilation of emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and physical components, struggling with issues in his or her own unique way.
And thus, no unique person would want an average spouse.

So walla... go find your perfect and unique significant other.