Jan 11, 2012

Is One Date Enough to Know If It's A No

Image: http://www.best-of-web.com/

Wow... Wow... Wow....
That was quite an attack!
Thank you aminspiration. I said no because we were not compatible.
The put together comment just put my thoughts together.

In response to Cymbaline's comment to my previous post whether one date is enough to know if you don't want to marry the guy.
Most people will call me harsh and Ish Yehudi will kill me but I do think that quite often you can know if it's a no very soon.

"I might not know what I want but I definitely know that I do not want this," is the philosophy that I would apply to this case.

If you go out with a guy, and at the end of three hours you have no particular desire to see this person again, in my humble opinion, you shouldn't marry this person.

If you went out, and he is sort of cute, and kind of nice, and you aren't head over heels, but you totally wouldn't mind spending another three hours with him, that is when you say yes to a second date.

I think with all the people dating out there, it shouldn't be insulting or extraordinarily judgmental of someone to say no after a first date. From all the guys out there, you will probably end up with one (two or three max).

Guys, take a chill pill, try to have fun. If you can't have fun with a particular individual, you don't have to force yourself through another date with them. It is not fair to you, and definitely not fair to them. Someone else will find them extremely entertaining. And it is okay if that somebody isn't you.

Unless you are incapable of having fun. In which case please see a therapist.