Nov 29, 2010

Dumpee-Dumper Syndrome


This flash of inspiration hit me just now as I was talking to a good friend mine and the second our conversation became more serious, she told me that she has to run.
I was so frustrated. This wasn't a one time thing.
Every time I got into a conversation with this certain person, the second it would get involved she would suddenly have to run in another direction. 

I tried a new tactic this time. Before my friend could tell me that she has to go, I smiled and said. Kisses, Mua Mua gotta run. Bye. 
Wow, I saw that she was upset. 

But why? Why should she be upset? She does it to me and everyone else all the time.

And I, as the self proclaimed dating doctor, have diagnosed her with the dumpee-dumper syndrome. 

A person cannot handle the idea of being dumped or in some way rejected by the other person, so the second there is a possibility of vulnerability, that person immediately dumps. 

You know what that is? That is simply immature. I get dumped all the time. That is life. Stay on that phone and finish the conversation as an adult.