Nov 29, 2010

Censorship Never Ends

Rabbonim Urge Public to Block 'Chareidi News Lines'

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Gedolei Yisroel, including Maran HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv shlita, are promoting a "tikkun godol" in response to one of the stumbling blocks of our day and age: home phone lines with access to numbers that have a corrupting impact and have claimed many victims.

In their public notice, maranan verabbonon warn against one of the great spiritual threats of today: "chareidi news lines," which fill their listeners with vapid messages and negative contents rife with loshon hora. These phone lines also present perverse worldviews and blatant disrespect for rabbonim, talmidei chachomim and gedolei Torah.

Roshei yeshivas, roshei kollelim, rabbonim and public figures have long warned against these phone lines, calling them a blight that destroys the Jewish soul by propagating loshon hora and blurring the boundaries between sacred and profane, between pure and tainted and through an atmosphere of levity that undermines aspirations to grow in Torah and yiras Shomayim.

Both the operators of these phone lines and those who collaborate with them make it their point to engage listeners in empty prattle, while generating dubious reports that are a world away from the hallowed halls of the beis medrash.

Rabbonim are even warning against chronic addiction to these phone lines, which pose a threat to any home founded on Torah and yir'oh, not to mention the high cost of listening to them.