Jan 2, 2012

Talking Balance on Dates

Image: http://www.cartoonstock.com

There are quite a few factors that must be considered when evaluating conversations on dates. 

1) Did the conversation flow?
2) If it did, did one of the parties have to do most of the talking?
3) Who was the conversation focused on: the girl or the guy?
4) Was the date one flowing conversation or was it more like an interview?

Ok, so I think most people would agree that a good conversation in dating would be a healthy balance in conversation between the young man and woman seeing each other. 
When the guy talks non-stop for the first hour and a half of the date and I think my brain will dry out from the focus and attention this man requires, needless to say, that wouldn't be one of the greatest dates of my life. 

I have also heard guys complain about girls who will not shut their beautiful mouths during the date. 

The best scenario is when a guy talks about himself enough to make you feel like you aren't sitting with a total stranger and when he displays genuine (or at least pretend) interest in you and your life. 

RJ posed this fascinating question before me: if a guy talks about himself the entire date and then dumps me, does that mean he hates himself?